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Possible Indicators of Depression

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Loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities

Isolation/withdrawal from social interaction

Difficulty making decisions

Difficulty concentrating



Sadness, crying

Feelings of helplessness/hopelessness

Thoughts or plans of death or suicide

Feelings of worthlessness

Excessive or unreasonable guilt

Self-hatred/low self-esteem


Frequent negative thoughts, easily discouraged


Sense of dread


Fatigue, loss of energy

Loss (or increase) of appetite

Significant weight loss or gain

Sleep disturbances (including insomnia or hypersomnia)

Physical pain without a medical explanation [e.g. stomachaches, headaches]

Number of Symptoms Checked: of 22 Total Symptoms.

Note: This list does not include symptoms of mania [such as grandiosity, needing less sleep, excessive engagement in pleasurable activities with potentially painful outcomes, and others] present in Bipolar and Cyclothymic disorders. See Resources for links to more information on these disorders.


Having several symptoms checked on this list doesn't necessarily mean that you have a diagnosable depression. It does suggest that you might benefit from a professional  evaluation of your symptoms.  Many of these symptoms can be indicative of other maladies, so an accurate assessment is always warranted.  If you feel suicidal or fear you might hurt yourself or others, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!  Remember, you don't have to suffer in silence.  Help is out there; you have to ask for it.


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Jonathan P. Levine, CSW
2300 West Ridge Rd.
Rochester, NY  14626
(585) 225-0330

Updated on 06/23/2002
© 2002, Jonathan P. Levine, CSW